Competent Services

Electric Furnace Installation Consultancy Service

Furnace Designing - We undertake designing of all kind of furnaces. Our major areas of operation are: 


Designing, manufacturing and operation of Industrial, Hospital and Municipal Incinerators with waste heat and material recovery systems for solid & liquid bio-medical & hazardous wastes. Developed tailor made designs of Incinerators to incorporate techniques to reduce overheads and operational costs and working ease.

Designing and manufacturing of Air pollution control systems like Chemical Scrubbers, Multi-Cyclone Dust Catchers and Bag Filters etc.

Specialized in the field of up-gradation of existing boiler furnaces to pollution free and smokeless multi-fuel furnaces to save on fuel costs and steam production cost. Developed multi-fuel firing boiler furnaces for spontaneous changeovers and reduce steam generation cost.

Retrofitting of all type of steam boilers with low cost and multi-fuel firing systems.

Technology Development and pilot plant designing related to processes and energy conservation

Construction of Furnaces - We undertake construction with the best work force we have with us. Our furnaces are highly efficient and give best performances. The furnaces are specially treated with different materials for long life and trouble free operations.

 Machinery erection – We undertake all type of plant and machinery at sites. Our team is equiped with best tools and tackles and have capability of completing jobs within the stipulated period.


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